2 types of casting worth 1000 Euro
After we have received your application, we will contact you (by Email) to setup a time to make your sedcard. We will have a professional photographer to shoot you a sedcard and there will be an agent to make your casting. We need to make a professional shoot, to show our clients what each model represents. We will pay all expenses and we give you a bonus of 1000 Euros for every casting made. It will not cost you a cent.
We have two kinds of castings and shoots.
- A regular casting
- A casting where you can wear a wig or a mask to be anonymous.
Both castings are worth 1000 Euros.
We respect your privacy
If you have the dream to become an adult erotic entertainer/model, but don’t want to be recognized in public. Then we offer you to become an anonymous model. On your sedcard and castingshoot we provide you with a mask, big sunglasses and things like that, so you can hide your identity. The payment will be the same as the regular models. We respect you personal privacy.

Se the anynomous casting example